Our “Average” Perfect Day (A Template)

Feb 10, 2017 | Freedom, Lifestyle

What’s your idea of a perfect day?

We all have incredible & remarkable days in our memory that we’d love to repeat many times over, but what about your average day? A day that you could live comfortably over and over with a smile on your face.  One that leaves you content and fulfilled.

What comes to mind?

Funny meme of perfect date from Miss Congeniality

Somehow this popped in my head!

Said another way, if you could design what a typical day would look like, what items would fill your schedule?

Over the past year we’ve been pondering this same question as we discover new loves like salsa dancing, morning walks, yoga, and our awesome hammock adventures. We’ve been having a blast learning many new things, but we also keep other activities that center us. It’s important to us to get back into the frame of mind that fulfills us and gives our soul a smile.  🙂

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In any case, given the choice, there are so many things that would make our list of things we love and also things we could do frequently. If I had to try to whittle down the list and fit it into a single day it wouldn’t be possible. Instead, here’s a rough idea of what Our “Average” Perfect Day would look like with categories of things:

Template of what our perfect day would look like

(one day I’ll have to do a weekly schedule like Root of Good)

I’m sure this will look totally different depending on where in the world we are, but I could see this as a great template to work around. From this simple schedule, you can glean a few key benefits:

    • At least 8 hours of sleep
    • 1 hour of enjoyable exercise & fresh air (in the morning)
    • 30 minutes of stress-relief & range of motion
    • 2 hours of enjoyable exercise & learning (in the evening)
    • 30 minutes of wind-down before bed
  • And most importantly – LOTS OF FLEXIBILITY & FREEDOM!

Did you notice how a large chunk of the day is a choice between: FUN, FRIENDS, RELAX, & WORK?

Looks like heaven to me!

There’s a bunch of hours in there where we could really do anything we’d like even if it falls under the category of “work.” We could have a life of all play, but work can also be a tool that expands our creativity and builds more skills for our personal toolkit. Another great option is maybe we can use some of that time to help others? Wouldn’t that add to a fulfilling life?

Another great option is maybe we can use some of that time to help others? Wouldn’t that add to a fulfilling life?

Designing your perfect day is a good thought experiment to uncover the things that truly make you happy in life. Zero in on the things you love and wish you could do more often. How could you build these into your schedule right now and start enjoying the happiness boost now?

What would your perfect day look like?

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  1. Mrs.

    I love your positive outlook. Looks like heaven to me too. More exercise, more sleep, less stress, ENJOY life! Wonderful graphic, too.

    • Mr. Saturday

      It seems like the more positive we are with life, the more good things tend to happen. (law of attraction?) That would be so nice though. We’ll keep it off in the distance as what we would love while still trying to enjoy our life now. 🙂

  2. Mrs. Picky Pincher

    This is a FANTASTIC idea! It’s all about seeking those Saturdays, after all. 😉

    Ahhh, I would love to retire early. Our countdown is in about ten years or so. Here’s what my perfect day would look like:

    1. Wake up naturally (around 7 am to 8 am)
    2. Cook a homemade breakfast and drink homemade coffee
    3. Write
    4. Work out
    5. Shower
    6. Cook lots of fun and tasty things!
    7. Play video games (don’t judge) 🙂

    • Mr. Saturday

      That sounds like a schedule we would love also! Homemade coffee is so much better when freshly ground. I love it so much so, I convinced my work to get a coffee grinder and whole bean coffee. Might as well! I know Mrs. Saturday would roll her eyes, but I would love to get back into a few adventure games that I loved in the past (any Zelda game). There are quite a few on my list I never got around to!

  3. Kate @ Making it Rain

    Such a fun post – your perfect day looks a lot like mine! It would definitely involve exercise/yoga and meditation, coffee and reading an actual newspaper, and lots of that flex time – yay for FUN/FRIENDS/RELAX/WORK!! So exciting to think about all the amazing Choose-your-own-adventure days you can have when you do get to this point!

    • Mr. Saturday

      Thanks Kate! We’re so looking forward to it but trying to sneak in some of these things now. It’s comforting looking to the horizon and see it, but a long wait to get there! Hopefully we can speed it up. 🙂


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